Empowering Growth.
Guiding Success.
Closely Held Advisors provides guidance to closely held business owners, addressing challenges and opportunities that arise throughout the business lifecycle. We work with businesses of varied sizes, from a single owner to those with complex multi-owner governance structures.
We offer entrepreneurs informed, experienced support for their businesses with more than 30 years of experience in counseling and litigation under the direction of Jay R. McDaniel, Chair of the Business and Corporate Law Department at the Weiner Law Group with offices in New Jersey and New York.
From emerging enterprises early in the learning curve to established companies preparing for ownership transitions, our approach is rooted in a comprehensive strategy and dedication to what we view as the principle focus of a successful closely held business: protecting and enhancing business value. Our experience, gained through decades of litigation and counseling, spans ownership structures, governance, risk management, business valuation, exit planning, and dispute resolution.
Decades of courtroom experience inform our work with closely held business owners. In that process, we have seen the same mistakes repeated, the loss of financial and personal legacies, and the profound effect that inadequate planning and preparation have on the families, workforce, and business partners of closely held businesses.
Closely Held Advisors is organized around the central principle that these costs — personal, professional and financial — are optional.
We offer offers clents a rare combination of legal, financial, and strategic insights that allow business owners to make informed, impactful decisions. These certifications reflect a deep understanding of how to protect, grow, and transition businesses effectively.
Whether you are growing the new business, preparing for succession, or seeking resolution to a complex dispute, we are here to work with you. Contact Jay McDaniel today to schedule a consultation and learn how Closely Held Advisors can support your business goals.
The 5 Ds of Business Risk: A Comprehensive Guide Key Takeaways Introduction: Understanding the 5 Ds Most business owners focus on growth, profits, and market expansion. Few take time to consider the...
Family Businesses: The Added Complexities Key Takeaways Family businesses are the bedrock of economies. They weave together the strength of familial bonds with the drive of...
The Silent Killer: How Poor Record-Keeping Can Destroy Your Business Running a closely held business requires more than your vision and hard work. It demands careful documentation, accurate records, and financial...
Your Partner in Protecting, Growing, and Transitioning Your Business.