Articles Posted in Uncategorized

Tax Court Disregards Business Transfers with Questionable Timing
Closely Held Advisors LLC Team

Transfers of business interests routinely seek to benefit from the discounts that accompany lack or control and marketability. Reducing the assets in an estate obviously reduces estate tax liability and the application of discounts in the transfer made during one’s life can result in significant tax savings. The IRS, however, often challenges these “inter vivos”…

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Smart Business Owners Use Formal Valuations to Build Value
Closely Held Advisors LLC Team

You own a business. You’re deeply familiar with your company’s day-to-day operations, challenges, and triumphs. You have invested your time, energy, and resources into its success. You may have a rough estimate of what it is worth, guided by your years of experience, what you know of your industry, what you hear on the grapevine…

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How Business Bulletproofing Protects the Most Valuable Assets of Your Business
Closely Held Advisors LLC Team

Protect the Intagible Assets of a Closely Held Business with Bulletproofing I sometimes ask closely held business owners if they lock the doors to their business when they leave. The answer is ‘of course.’ I may push further. Do you have an alarm system? What about at home? No surprises here. Everyone locks the door.…

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Access the Wealth in Your Closely Held Business With Exit Planning
Closely Held Advisors LLC Team

The closely held business of many owners represents not just a source of income ,but also the largest portion of their personal wealth. Yet, a common issue is that much of this wealth remains tied up in the business, making it difficult to access without a well-thought-out exit strategy. Without proper planning, owners may find…

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